Sunday, October 25, 2009

Bad habbits?

I am a 44 year old man, I have a normal family car and when I drive it I always throw tissues out when the light is stopped and when people start yelling at me i roll the windows up and put headphones over my ears, is this funny or dumb or normal or what?
It is Silly.

I'd love to see you get a ticket for littering a few times.
~With everyone being concerned about our planet, I don't find this surprising. It's littering and you can be fined big time for it.
If you have children, you're teaching them this bad habit too. You need to carry around a sack and put your garbage in there, then empty it in the large receptacle at home.
It would be a lot easier and less embarrassing than having people yelling at you, wouldn't it? I'm 40 and I don't do it. Since you want an honest opinion, I'm sorry, but I think it's irresponsible.~
You are a douche. It's not really's annoying. Are you trying to be annoying? If so, congratulations you have achieved your goal.

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