Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are you for or against children under the age of 16 being prescribed psychatric drugs? Why?

And do you think that way to many kids are being diagnosed with mood disorders? And what do you think about kids that say things like 'it's not my fault; I'm bi-polar'?
Whether I'm for or against it is to be decided on a case by case basis... it depends on the age of the kid, the kid's problems, what other things (such as counseling and lifestyle changes) have been tried yet and what medication is being proposed. Most medications are not tested in kids under 18yo, and some are quite likely to be harmful in young kids. Young kids' metabolism is different from adults', plus young kids can't consent to risks the way adults can.

I read about some 4yo that died of an overdose of some combination of medications she'd been on since she was 2yo... including Seroquel. That kind of thing makes me really angry. The kid should have been put in a foster home instead of on medication with her incompetent mom (her mom regularly gave her too much medicine to keep her calm).

I think ADHD is overdiagnosed, but I also think that there are plenty of kids out there that are depressed or w/e and aren't being diagnosed and hence aren't getting the counseling they need.

Btw, sometimes it's the parents that are turning their diagnosed kids into brats... My brother was diagnosed with PDD-NOS and my parents let him get away with so many things because of that that they wouldn't let me get away with, instead of teaching him how to deal with his problems... Ugh.

Anyway, no point in worrying about all this stuff... let other people deal with their own issues.
some kids really need help.
what makes you think a 17 year old wont lie just to get some ADD drugs?
you are very ignorant.
Some kids need the help. Others really don't but say they do. Focus on your own life and values, live up to your own expectations. Focusing on what others are doing will just make you angry anyways
There may be a few cases where it may be truly needed but for the most part I'm totally against it. I'm against it as far as adults go, too.
It seems to be a plague that's sweeping the nation. Every time someone gets upset they run to the doctor and say I'm depressed give me medicine or something like that. It isn't healthy. People these days don't seem to be able to cope with their problems unless they are medicated. I would be very careful if I was considering putting one of my children on medication. You may be accidentally inducing a life of dependency.
Also, look at what you are thinking of medicating them for. I think It is hard for adults to remember how hard your teenage years were. But, they are supposed to be that way. That's where we learn our most important life lessons. Keep in mind that depression, moodiness, uncertainty and a ton of other things is normal for a teenager and they need to cope with those things.
Unless of course it's an extreme case. Hope all works out well.
If they need them, then they should be prescribed them. Untreated mood disorders are very serious. I think it is a huge step in the right direction that mental health professionals now know children can and do develop these illnesses. Early treatment can dramatically improve the prognosis (not to mention quality of life) for people with mood disorders. Still, they are often hesitant about slapping this sort of label on kids and the good ones do so only after thorough evaluations and ruling out other physical problems that can cause similar symptoms.

I am bipolar and wish it had been diagnosed when I was a child instead of 20 years later. I have a lot of interaction with other people who have BP and I have yet to hear anyone say "it's not my fault...I'm bipolar".

And getting a child diagnosed to "feel special"? Are you kidding me?

And for the record...there most certainly is scientific evidence regarding mental illnesses. Yes, there is still much they do not understand but anybody who says they don't exist is completely ignorant on the subject and obviously has never experienced it.
I'm totally against children being diagnosed with mood disorders and prescribed psychiatric drugs.

The "diseases" listed in psychiatry's bible, the DSM, have no scientific basis -- there is no objective test for any of them such as a blood test or x-ray. They are all simply lists of psycho-social characteristics which psychiatry does not approve of.

Dr. Thomas Dorman, an internist and member of the Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom and Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada, wrote, “In short, the whole business of creating psychiatric categories of ‘disease,’ formalizing them with consensus, and subsequently ascribing diagnostic codes to them, which in turn leads to their use for insurance billing, is nothing but an extended racket furnishing psychiatry a pseudo-scientific aura. The perpetrators are, of course, feeding at the public trough.”

Psychiatrists claim that a person “needs” a drug to combat their “chemical imbalance” in the brain which is causing a person’s “mental disorder.” However, the concept that a brain-based, chemical imbalance underlies mental illness is false. While popularized by heavy public marketing, it is simply psychiatric wishful thinking. As with all of psychiatry’s disease models, it has been thoroughly discredited by researchers.

Diabetes is a biochemical imbalance. However, as Harvard psychiatrist Joseph Glenmullen states, “the definitive test and biochemical imbalance is a high blood sugar balance level. Treatment in severe cases is insulin injections, which restore sugar balance. The symptoms clear and retest shows the blood sugar is normal. Nothing like a sodium imbalance or blood sugar imbalance exists for depression or any other psychiatric syndrome.”

In fact, psychiatric drugs are known to lead to suicide, aggression and psychosis. The brain is very delicately balanced as it is so introducing mind-altering drugs to the equation actually causes a chemical imbalance in the brain. Many recent school shooters were on psychiatric drugs or had been in the mental health system.

Of course, I think it's ridiculous for a kid to say "it's not my fault, I'm bi-polar" This is not a credible disease.
i am against anti- psychotic grugs for any teen-ager or below unfortunately they are sometimes they are necessary. my grandson is 5 he sees a therapist once a week and a psychiatrist once a month and is on three different meds. without them he is very violent. this all a product of our society today. it has been proven that drugs for our teenagers and under these days can cause more suicide attempts than ever before. it's time for our society to strp up and take responsibility. for parents to put kids on drugs and then let the child off the hook for what the child does by saying i can't help it i'm bi-polar. that's a cop out. i'm bi-polar and i don't go out and break the law or cause trouble. sorry people but it just doesn't work that way.
I have strong feeling to many kids are being prescribed psych meds. Doctors are either trying to help the pharmaceutical industries buy pushing pills, or figure it's easier to medicate then communicate. I am very sure allot of the kids being prescribed psyche meds could instead be treated with some attention. The people that medication is really helping have my fullest support. Those people are given back something of a life because of those drugs.
I aint against it at all. I never would have gotten through school without it.

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