Sunday, October 25, 2009

Asperger's Syndrome AND bi-polar??

Does anyone have any information or know of a website that discusses a child that has BOTH Asperger's Synrome AND Bi-polar... ANY information is really really appriciated. He also has ADHD.
Its quite common for aspies to also have other ailments at the same time. Things like ADHD, dyslexia, depression, and bipolar are quite common. Aspies can have all, none or any combination. They are treated as separate illnesses though. There is no drug treatment for aspergers or dyslexia but there are drugs for the others that can help.
All of that is highly unlikely. Take your child to a different psychologist. Too many psychologists just push drugs on people. Your child is probably just very active and shy. Or, you made this up.

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