Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are you this pathetic or have you been?

I have completely stuffed up my life and am so ashamed of myself, now i work at my dads office and live at home and spend all my time thinking about complaining, i dont eat, i dont sleep, i dont laugh, i dont talk, i dont relax, i dont clean my car, i dont care about anyone else, i have turned into this horrible selfish person, i am on meds and seeing a counsellor, but nothing can change my actions over the last 6 months, i completely hate myself, i dont clean my room, i barely put petrol in my car, i have wasted 6 monhts of my life being unhappy but i dont know how to change it, everyone has lost respect for me and i dont blame them, i'm that ashamed i want to kill myself but dont becuase of firends and family, but i have totally stuffed my life and could have done so much with it, i dont want to stay like this forever but the only thing that could fix it is to turn back the clock 6 monhts and for me to do things differently, even two months would be enough, are you this pathetic 23
i know this is hard for you, but you have to put the past in the past, and concentrate on your future. it seems by you not doing the things you're supposed to do is because you keep dragging up the past and belittling yourself. you need to prove to everyone and show to everyone who you really are. your family and friends are always gonna be there for you when you need them
wow thats pathetic
got a bit hunkered up in life .good luck
nope, cant say i am
Pray to God and ask him to help you and show you the way out. Find something you like to do and do it.
Make yourself go outside on a walk.
Watch the news and see that there are so many people that have a worse life than you.
Be thankful that you don't have cancer or aides.
Your meds might be wrong for you, try different ones.
Exercise,run or walk or lift weights, exercise works better than medicine and it makes you feel better.
God loves you and I am saying a prayer for you right now!
If you know what you are doing is wrong why keep it up. It never too late to start a new leaf page. Just forget about the past and live life happily. Stopping isolating yourself from other and starting loving and care for others.
Well, just think how much you could turn your life round in another 6 months time. :)
6 months ago and even a few months ago I was doing things that were totally selfish and things I wish I had never done. If you realize that there are things you want to change and realize that you are unhappy with where you're at now then it's up to you and only you to be able to fix that. Don't wait until tomorrow to change, start tonight. Even small things...maybe clean up your room, add some money to a savings account to get your own place eventually. Do the complete opposite of the things you regret from the past and live your life as how you wish it to be and eventually things will turn out to your liking. It's not going to happen automatically, but slowly you'll start to see things lifting and you'll find that you're happier than you used to be. Easier said than done, I just takes time.
I really think you should talk to your doctor about changing your medication. It may really help. Pray and things will soon turn around.
So you have depression and have wasted 6 months. Or have you? We all have times where life isnt fun and we do things wrong. Weather its wasted or not depends on how we change and what we learn. Life is a series of learning experiences. If we do things right, were happy. If not we go back to square one and repeat the lesson. It's commendable that you got help, take it and learn the lessons in the last 6 months. Good Luck.
You are wrong! The only way to fix it is get well and just get up and change your life around. Start by cleaning your room and car. Then go get a hair vut, and some new clothing. Go get a massage, and relax a little. Call your friends and appologize for being selfish. Tell them you went through a rough patch and you are doing your best to get out of the rut.

Your life is worth something, you just havent found your purpose yet. Some people dont realize there purpose in life until they are old. Just try to be a good person, and a great friend. These things are invaluable. Do not think of killing yourself. Maybe your medicine isnt the correct dose. Tell your doctor your having suicidal thoughts. I hope you get well and live a wonderful and fulfilling life!
By the way what's wrong with you is just your negative thinking that makes you feel worthless. The counselor has been telling you to change you own ways of looking at life.Remember you are alive %26 think about those people who have diabilities they're just getting on with their life day by day.You should not be staying in that state of your mentality that cannot be reverse if you self inflict damage to yourself.I have noticed laziness is the root of evil, be energetic do something for yourself you're not useless as far as I can imagine. Then your family will really be appreciative of your well-being.
First of all, you need to tell all of this to your counselor. They can help you a lot more than just a web site can.

Secondly, even days that give us setbacks help us prepare for the future.

Thirdly, try not to take this sort of thing personally. I can really recommend Don Ruiz's book The Four Agreements or any of the philosophies by Thich Nhat Hanh. They can help you understand that you can influence your destiny but it's not an attack against you when things go wrong.

Finally, understand that you have not messed up that bad. You have two things on the people who are true mess-ups. One, you recognize you have challenges that need to be overcome. Two, you are willing to do something about it. That puts you head and shoulders above a lot of other people. Even some who claim they are "successful".
No, Thank God. ...But you don't have to be either. What is that old saying.Get sick of hearing it but..."This is the first day of the rest of your life." It is totally true. You just get up tomorrow and go clean your car out. That is a start. Any little thing will make it better. Don't look at the past. Just at today. Thank God it has only been 6 months. Look at the positive, even if it is hard to find. At least it will keep you busy looking for it. Good Luck and I know you can do it 'cause you don't want to be like this.
I wouldn't recommend viewing yourself as pathetic, but rather in an ephemeral quagmire. Whenever I feel worthless, I remember not to dwell on the past entirely, that what's been troubling me doesn't have to continue.
You've got to find some means of establishing self-worth, a way of improving your mentality. Take the smallest thing as an accomplishment, whether it's cleaning your room, getting out of bed, or putting petrol in your car. You've made an effort to focus your energies elsewhere.
I've been down in the dumps occasionally, and a little self-confidence and reassurance can go a long way, despite how, at the moment, all efforts to feel better may seem futile.
Whatever makes you unhappy or depressed, commit to doing the opposite, or something that can correct it. You'll feel better and have done something that needed doing, in theory.
Think what you can do, not what you won't do. Hope this helps .
Dear you are not pathetic. It sounds like you are just lonely. everyone gets lonely sometimes, and sometimes it takes a while to get out of the funk of it. If you are a member of a church of course I can say try to be more involved. But if not find one, join a group of peers and chat. Old school friends are good sources of communication. College is always good and believe me it does not take much to enroll. I don't know what has happened to you that took so much happiness out of your life but it does get better just hold on. In the meanwhile remember that YOU are responsible for your happiness, don't volunteer to give it away. Don't participate in hating yourself or your life. Its bigger than you realize and its yours. It may seen empty right now but sweetie fill it up. Write something, read something, think about the things that make you happy and resubmit them into your life. Please don't volunteer for failure or disappointment there are always people who will point that out to you as well. GUESS WHAT? Nothing anyone says about you can ever measure whats in your heart or who you really are. You know that you are capable of doing and creating good things that will blow people's minds when they think "He/she did that better than anyone I have ever seen". Dear child the world is still yours, don't go out and do something horrible to be recognised, create beautiful and wonderful things. Volunteering is good too. God loves you and believe that I love you too without hesitation. I pray for your success in life and love and hope that this passes soon.
depression often saps the eneedrgy needed to perform everyday tasks. you are not "pathetic", you need help. If talk therapy alone isn't working, you might either need to switch therapists (don't settle for one you don't like/trust, you will never get better) or I think that you need to think about changing your meds. They are obviously not working. I hope you do the right thing and advocate for yourself. You DO deserve the best care, and it WILL help!!

hi there. yes, i've been there, for 6 long years. i'm bipolar and depression ended about 1-2 years ago. psych meds take a long time to regulate. it can take 3-6 weeks to notice any relief. if your symptoms get worse on the meds within that time, call your doctor immediately and have him get you something else. otherwise wait 4-6 weeks to give the meds a chance to work. then if there's NO improvement, call dr. and ask for a dosage change or different meds. do this every 4-6 weeks until dr. gets it right. eventually he will. the dr's aren't mind readers and can't help unless we're straight with them. an xray can determine if a bone is broken, but this doesn't work with depression, you know? if you're not up to the follow up, ask a friend or family to help monitor you and contact dr. as needed.

i've gone to psych hosp's for some of my depressions. it saved my life. don't rule it out but talk to your dr. and therapist about it.

i don't know if you drink alcohol at all but.if you drink while on psych meds, one of 2 things can and do happen.symptoms get the same or worse, OR even possible death. also, i'm a recovering alcoholic. now that i'm sober, i realize the alcohol made my depressions worse. that my not even apply to you.

i'm so pleased to read you're in therapy. good for you. you didn't say how long you've been in therapy or if it's been the same one all along. consider changing therapists. if your current one is a good, healthy one, he/she will be happy to give you a referral. if you're not improving, the therapist already knows that anyway. you may want to supplement your individual therapy with family therapy as well. they are probably feeling torn up watching you hurt this way. maybe you need a specialized professional, for eating disorders or ptsd or abuse issues or whatever.

mental illness doesn't seem to be curable but it IS treatable and there is hope for you IF you're willing to do the footwork involved. i ate when i wasn't hungry. i spoke to family and friends, even though i wanted to live in my bed 24/7. i prayed, even though i thought God hated me as much as i hated myself(because He wouldn't take away the sadness). i went to therapy monthly, weekly, sometimes 3x a week, when needed. i sought out clergy for spiritual guidance and prayer support because i felt so inadequate in my prayer life. i wrote in journals, read books all the time and forced myself to go outside and try to appreciate nature again. do what you can, even if you have to force yourself like i had to. be kind, patient and loving to yourself.

pray for God to put the people in your path that can help you get beyond this. ask Him to speak to you through them. "when the student is ready, the teacher will appear." stay open to the lessons God's trying to teach you. "what doesn't kill us makes us stronger." (me and my many cliches.)

i'll pray for you.
rLook, we are harder on our self worse than anyone else ,you seem to have a low self esteem problem, bad depression, don't be a victim of your life be a survivor, i don't think you are a selfish person ,in a program of recovery in life you have to be selfish to recover don't think about the past that's over with close the door on it 90%, leave that door open just alittle to maybe help others after you fell more positive, you are letting all the negative things stay in your head racing over an over , think of your problems as an onion peel a layer of that onion one at a time ,someone ,plus you have put such a burden on you it is not fair, dont get into the pity party thing thats not good, i remember going to a counsellor for six months itold him how terrible my life was just to let out all that garbage, then he said to me isn't there anything good that happen in my life , i said i didnot think about those things and it hit me, i can't do this alone , im not a church goer but the temple and heart and soul is in you not a brick building may it be a friend ,relative , a higer power i dont know but there is something out there i know it , i thought im not getting on my knees for any one so i lay down look up and just say who ever you are i need help i cant do it alone enough times at night things start happening please trust me i have no reason to lie ,the first step and the best step you have taken is to get on this internet , your not pathetic you are somebody anyone that points a finger at you has three pointed at them ,you are here on earth for a reason it is not an accident you are here ,you have helped me just by writing thank you, from a brother from another mother , i have faith in you and i dont even know you ,i feel it in my bones work toward the positive and get rid of the negative may the forces be with you,

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