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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Can a traumatizing childhood effect your IQ??

Lets say all a child sees is he** all of his life, basically everyday, up untill this child is old enough to move out...does it effect your iq?? Just wondering.
Yes because your environment is what simulates the brain path ways to develope in early childhood. Also your surroundings can also turn on and off certain genes. For the best IQ a child needs to be raised in a healthy caring enviornment.
I don't think it effects the child's IQ - but more or less their behavior.
unless we are talking brain damage, no.
Absolutely. It can effect the way that the child learns on a daily basis, therefore effecting his/her IQ. I mean, if a child goes through hell everyday, do you really think that they are paying attention in school? Not to their full potential.
Probably not, I'm sure lots of Psycopaths had high IQs.
I don't think so but a bad childhood could inhibit a child's actions in life later on.
Let's start with the theory that there are at least 9 kinds of intelligence.

As the twig is bent, so grows the child.

Motivation is an enormous portion of learning. If a child's early experience harms his motivation, then it has this cumulative error / compound interest effect throughout his life.

If a child has bad experiences with parents or older siblings, it may be hard for him to relate to teachers or authority figures all during his life.
There have been some studies that suggest a correlation between emotional trauma and brain development. It's not a given, just something that has some possible connection.

The working theory is that the traumatizing event(s) pump your body full of nasty stress hormones and this affects the development/balance of your brain. It can affect adults just like children (like PTSD), but since children's brains are undeveloped stress/trauma can have a greater affect on children.
The short answer is yes a childhood trauma can affect your IQ. But, by the same token, becoming more positive and accepting that traumatic experience as something that just happened to you in the past can also improve your IQ.

Forgive yourself for carrying that baggage around, forgive whoever caused the trauma and move on to make yourself a better, stronger person because you can move above that. Put it in your past. Don't waste anymore energy thinking about it. You are here and now.

With time your positive attitude will improve your ability to learn and that is what the IQ intends to measure.
No, not unless the trauma included a head injury or other physical phenomenon that compromised brain function.
Yes it can. In the case of feral children there have been studies on what development of the human brain can have on such children whom have been mistreated: "When we look at the evidence from feral children and other cases of severe neglect on the ability of children to learn language and socialise, it should come as no surprise that the lack of effective nurture has a profound impact on the developing brain."

During the first three years of a child's brain development is the most crucial. At that point in time is when the neurons are rapidly growing. Children who have been deprived of such interactive human emotional contact and language, have been shown to lower intelligent than for children who were raised in a well supportive environment.
I don't know what all 'the experts' have to say about it. I don't place much of any weight on 'the expert opinion'.
I can tell you that my own childhood, without going into detail, was plenty traumatic. I am a member of American Mensa today and didn't even have the capacity to realize until I was over 30 that I might have been 'blessed/cursed' with high IQ. points. The 'what-ifs' abound.

So, for what anecdotal evidence might be worth...there is mine.
Interpret it however you will.
Sort of.

Everyone has a potential IQ, and then an actual IQ. In order to reach your potential IQ, you have to have educational opportunities, and parents who encourage curiousity, etc. Therefore, people who are minorities, poor, or otherwise disadvantaged have lower IQ's. Not because they are not as smart, but because they didn't have the necessary lifestyle for the their brain to thrive.

Think of it like a flower. It always has the potential to be a flower, but if you don't water it or give it sunlight, it won't grow.
We are products of our environment and having h...l all during your growing up years can have a dramatic affect on you emotionally and physically ! I thought my name was a..e until I was 14 yrs old. So I can relate !! I am now 50+ and still carry "scars" !! It will be difficult to overcome and accept all this but you can overcome these adversities. Becoming an educated productive member of society can make all the "bad" times easier to accept/forget. Best of Luck and God Bless !

Can a smile help to prevent anger?

Lets say you are pissed off by something or someone, and as you are walking somebody sends you a friendly smile..
Can you react by saying : What the hell you are smiling moron Lol???
Just saying hi and kind of calms you down in someway
Sometimes,that's all it takes,surprisingly enough.It happens usually for me when what I'm pissed off about is a little bit stupid,or the situation is so ridiculous that you can't help but laugh,even if you were mad as hell only seconds before!TL
For the moment but you are just covering up what's hurting you inside. Just smile and grit your teeth.
Smiling, being nice, laughing all have positive effects on your mental health...laughter IS the best medicine!! Is it so hard to just be nice for a few seconds? Geez! Everyone seems to be so damn angry lately. Try some kindness %26 smile once in a does wonders!
Actually I have done both! But the first is usually followed by an apology. Smiles are definetly mood changers!
Think about it...when someone smiles, don't you usually smile back??
"Catch the rave!!"
carla :-))))

Can a primary care doctor prescribe medicine for mental health issues or do they have to be a psychiatrist?

Im sure most doctors are well qualified to hand out most types of drugs to anyone they want. My doctor happens to be a voodoo doctor (thats how he dresses anyway) and he has prescribed me all sorts of specialty drugs (valium, peyote, salvia), most of which he does before I even ask him. He really is a great guy. I would give you his number, but he skipped town last week. I will let you know when I see him again.
yes /they /can
yes they can, but they may refer you to have a psych consult if need be
Yes they can. Unless you have a severe problem they will often try medication before they refer you on to a psychiatrist.
A PC can write any drug there is. That in lies the problem. Too many PC's are writing Psych drugs they know nothing about. Shrinks should be seen if the person has MDD, PTSD, BP and really any major Mental Health issue.
a primary care doctor is able to prescribe medication for mental health concerns. however, not all primary care physicians are willing to do so for all of the patients they work with - if a doctor feels that a person they are seeing needs more specialized help with medication than he or she is able to provide, then that doctor will be ethically required to refer the patient to a psychiatrist with more expertise in mental health concerns and the medications used to treat them.

think of it this way -- if you have high blood pressure, your primary care physician can give you medication to lower your blood pressure. the physician can give you advice about changing your diet or exercising more frequently to improve your overall health, which should, in turn, lower your blood pressure. but if your condition does not improve or if it gets worse, or if the doctor thinks that he or she is not equipped to handle the problem to the best of his or her medical ability, then they will refer you to a cardiologist. it's just the same with mental health concerns, except that the physician will refer someone to either a psychiatrist for medications or to a therapist (psychologist, social worker, licensed professional counselor, etc.) for psychotherapy.
I've had some PCPs' who will prescribe anti depressants and anxiety drugs, but not anti psychotics, mood stabilizers or benzos. It really depends on the relationship the doctor has with the patient and how well they communicate. My doctor doesn't mind writing scripts for my medicine in between psych appts as long as he knows I'm following through with my T and Pdoc.

Good luck and take care of you!

Can A Person, Like Chris Benoit ,Commit Suicide In Self Defense?

I reallymean any person but thought that he would be a good example because his case is so recent .
you mean you think he killed himself to avoid being put to death in the electric chair or lethal injection? Possible. I think it more likely that he came down from what he was on and saw what he did and couldn't take it. He did an honorable thing- and saved the taxpayers money. Isn't this what the Japanese do when they have dishonored their family?
all hail the answer above me. :) worded so right.

Can A Person, Like Chris Benoit ,Commit Suicide In Self Defense?

I reallymean any person but thought that he would be a good example because his case is so recent .
What? Sucide in self defense? Sucide is when you take your own life non accidentially, with intent to die. I guess if a person was being chased by someone with a gun and they had a gun, instead of shooting at the person chasing them, they could just shoot their self. Especially if they thought the person was going to kill them.. So I guess it is possible, just not too probable. Chris Benoit absolutely did not commit sucide in self defense. No one was trying to kill him... he killed two inocent people before killing himself. Why would you even think he did this in self defense??
Self Defense against what? I'm not sure what your question is asking. If a person commits suicide then they lost, game over for them. I'm not sure how this would be self Defense?
I think that the definition of self defense precludes anyone from being able to commit suicide in a traditional definition of self defense. If what you are implying, is that he could kill himself in order to avoid the ramifications of his earlier actions, and by doing so, sparing himself of future suffring, I think it would be better defined as a self euthanasia. The nature of life is that we never know exactly waht is comming. As such, any action taken to harm ourselves, regardless of the reasoning, cannot be defined as self defense.
self defense from what, the state putting the needle in his arm?

Can a person with narcissistic personality disorder ever be reconciled with and accepted by the christian god?

The narcissist started off admiring him or herself excessively before his/her conditioned developed into a disorder. At the developing stage of narcissism, some may say that the christian god would be jealous of the attention that this individual would rather give to him/herself than giving it to god. However, psychologically, the narcissist is uncontrollably engulfed into the self and the christian god understands, even before one reaches the stage of being considered disordered, that this individual, who is weak and flawed, needs unconditional reconciliation and requires acceptance from god and humanity, regardless of his or her disorder. The christian god is believed to be all forgiving and all loving; therefore, this god should not find a problem accepting a person, especially one who is disordered.
your question makes zero sense!

back to the books, dude!
Why would anyone want to reconcile with a non-existent bully?
everybody can be accepted by god, no matter what 'disorder' you have. as long as your heart is true and you want to belong to him more than you want any ting else. once you make a commitment and start a relationship with him, he can heal all things. even a personality disorder. he is waiting for you to commit to him so he can heal you and give you the life you were meant to have and that was not to suffer from such a thing in the first place. god always accepts us whoever we are, it is us (humans) who take that away from him. good luck, and god bless.
What does narcissism have to do with God?
Simply, yes. But I'm guessing you want a bit more to an answer. And to check that we are both reading from the same hymn sheet, check out the links. It's a good, simple description of narcissism and a more complete look at the personalilty associated.

Self love is potentially a bad thing, but it can be molded into something positive. Many Christians believe that by having God in their lives, their bad fetures can become something that is used for good. For example, self importance and self-love could become a propotionate sense of self worth and value.

One of the theories of NPD is that is a reflexive protection from early harm or abuse. The christian God is recognised as being the All-Loving One. He already loves everybody, whether they believe in Him or not. And the Bible says that "perfect love casts out fear", so I do believe that healing can occur.

I hope that starts to answer your question. This is a huge subject and if you would like to discuss it further you can email me. Do be aware that I have my spam filter on full, so please use an obvious subject.


Can a person over the age of eighteen be involuntarily committed to a rehab center? If yes, does it work?

My brother is twenty years old. He has been smoking marijuana for quite some time. Now we believe that he is doing harder drugs, such as crack or cocaine. He stays out all day and night, and he doesn't eat. Consequently, he has lost a lot of weight. He is also always angry and often will go into rages where he will punch and break the wall. We would like for him to get help and have held an intervention for him. He simply tells us that he does not have a problem. Many people have told us that we can do an involuntary commitment on him. I was wondering if anyone has done this and if yes, did the person recover. We are really worried about my brother. I do not want to see him dead.
Your parents would need to talk to an attorney about getting power of attorney over your brother due to his mental incapacity.
You may have to get a court order. that is the only way I can think of.
I haven't done that to anyone, but a person has to have EXTREMELY STRONG evidence to successfully commit someone to a rehab center (or anywhere) against their will (ie: proven insanity, the "patient's" inability to think or care for themself).
You need to talk to a person who is qualified to answers these questions, normally you can call the hospital mental health clinic, and they would direct you; They may have him committed to a facility where he will be monotored, and clinically taken off drugs, by administering other sources to counteract the drugs. As far as the behavior problems, that is a serious issue, as he has taken drugs along time, his brain is fried, and may never be normal again, and may need help continually, especially since he may be a threat to society. He needs to be placed in a facility, go from there.... good luck!
In my line of work I have done several involuantary petitions. For someone who is no longer a "child" it is a little harder to do.

If you feel you can prove that he is a danger to himself or another ( which it definitly sounds he is both) You can go to the court and file the petition. Your brother will be picked up and brought to a facility.

At this point if the facility agrees he needs treatment, he can be held for 72 hours against his will. However, if at the end of those 72 he is not willing to participate in treatment, he will be able to leave of his own free will.

I hate that your having to go through this. Sadly, he is the only one who can change. Maybe commiting him will show him how worried and how much you care. Best of luck to you and your family. You will be in my thoughts and prayers.
First of all your brother is and adult even though he is still living at home with you and the family I assume by what you are stating here.
Well you are the best observer than us responding to your question you have seen the transformation up front and personal from his weight to his violent mood swings if he is now punching in walls.
And I do know what and intervention is and you can do all you want to help him voluntarily seek help but you can't force him because when you do that is will not work,and those who told you,you can have him involuntarily committed are wrong dead wrong!! he is of legal age and not unless he is a threat to himself or the public you can't do it.
Now depending on what state you are living in the laws in your state may help you could go to court and ask the judge to have him held over for a period of time to help him, most states and courts will give a 72 hour hold so the person can be evaluated okay.
Listen my friend I know you want to do everything to help your brother and I commend you for that and I understand you don't want to see him die at such a young age as well either but everyone's case is different just because it may have worked for someone else like you want to know does not mean it will work for your brother every case and person are unique and individual as well you can't compare the one to the other,there is no doubt there has been success stories like this but there have been more failures to over shadow the successes.
And by what you have described I would say your suspicions are right on the mark he has moved up from marijuana to the hard stuff for sure.
If you document everything that has gone on and if he has been to any doctor on this matter of his huge weight and anger transformation there is your starting point right there and I hope you can do it because your brother sounds like he is heading for some serious trouble which will bring the police and criminal justice system in on this than it will be really out of your and your families hands for sure.
Good luck and talk with God,he will direct your steps and lead you in the right direction he is one that will not fail you ok,just believe in him and go with him were ever he takes you,you'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
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