Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Calling all doctors can you help? can you recommend an alternative antidepressant?

I took seroxat for many years and then developed dry mouth. I switched to citalopram but my dry mouth is getting worse!! Is there such a thing as an antidepressant that does not cause dry mouth or is the only answer to come off! I'm desperate for help!!
I'm not a Doctor. The best thing would be to go back to your Doctors and they can prescribe you something else. I take Sertroline and haven't had any problem with it but medication effects different people in different ways. Taking medication can help with the symtoms but not the cause. You really need to talk to a therapist who can help find your core issues that might be causeing the depression. I have anxiety and depression and having been trying an alternative therapy called Emotional Freedom Technique and it has really worked for me and helped me a lot. Since using it I have been feeling a lot better. It's very good at getting rid of all kinds of negative emotions and dealing with all kinds of issues quickly. It does sound bizarre but does work. Might be something that can help you.
CAlling all doctors?...I think doctors would rather be making money in the office than gaining points on ByeDr.com
haha GO to a doctor,how can u trust whatever ppl is sayin on here?!u dont kno who the fook they r!
Every thing can cause dry mouth. check out labels on certain pain killers and items you can find in the drug store. there are millions of side effects to everything you take. Its just how your body decides to react to the certain drugs. So you were taking Paxil and Celexa. I believe that they are both SSRI's. You could try Zoloft. I was on it and it helped the only thing is if you are a woman it makes you gain weight. I had some other things too but Zoloft is a wonderful drug! lots of people have great sucess with it. Another one is Cymbalta I am currently on it right now. I am having really good results from it. so just talk to your doctor and you will just have to switch again...good luck!
Dry mouth is a very common symptom of many medications including anti depressants. If you think about it dry mouth while taking the medication is not nearly as bad as what you may experience without the medication at all. There are many saliva substitutes available over the counter if the dry mouth really takes it toll.

Good luck and take care of you!
Go to "alternative medicine" . These things really work. takes time %26 patience...
The only answer you should take any notice of is from John M. He summed it up perfectly!!
Ive been dealing with a few problems myself over the years and the doctor gave me anti depressants i took them 4 a bit but i found that they made me feel worse i was sad depressed but just didn't have the energy 2 get up and do anything so i took myself off them ok I'm sad and low but i no wot I'm doing i would suggest herbal tablets like st johns wort if any and find a Hobie something 2 keep ur mind busy if ur still unsure go bk 2 ur GP and tell them u would like a change in medication don't just stop ur medication as u have 2 wean ur self off them all the best
This is a question others have asked before and found a solution. Depression is on this list ...


Miriam wrote her story in 1997 and revised it in 2002.

Stress --%26gt; Hormone Imbalance --%26gt; "Health Issue"

In your paticular case the "health issue" is depression

Perhaps your source of stress is due to "worrying about things"

# # # This is from John Lee's December 2002 talk

http://uk.geocities.com/willim_walker@bt... a link to my web site and the complete talk

So when it becomes fat it starts making more oestrogen. Over here any excessive calorie intake will do it, but the big one is impaired liver function. Now when I wrote this I was thinking of cirrhosis impaired liver function or people with hepatitis C but the more I look into it I discover impaired liver function is very common in our society. And we make it worse by taking drugs that stop the liver from being able to do it's work in the business of getting oestrogen out of the system, metabolising oestrogen. 2#15:15

I mentioned the P450 system in the liver, well guess what? Prozac stops the P450 system from working. So someone has oestrogen dominance, they have depression, they have headaches, they are not doing well, they can't tolerate stress, they go to the doctor. They go to the doctor and he puts them on Prozac. That increases their oestrogen dominance, they can't excrete their own oestrogen. So here we have impaired liver function. Yeah, we do have people who drink too much but actually the liver does pretty well with that. But if you have Prozac you're damaged, you can't do that. 2#15:50

# # #

Perhaps other anti-depressants do similar things to the liver. I don't know, that is a research project for someone else.

As a preliminary do the on line hormone tests at www.hormoneprofile.com or www.johnleemd.com

If as I suspect they recommend you obtain hormones please have a saliva test done see www.npis.info or www.salivatest.com. A saliva test will check out active hormones something that blood tests do not.

If a hormone is suggested by the saliva test please take the dose suggested for you. Size 10 shoes are not twice as good if you have size 5 feet.

The WHO (World Health Organisation) uses saliva tests.

A transcript of a John Lee talk http://www.keepsmilin.com/transcriptdrle...

I have transcribed John Lee's December 2002 %26 %26June 2003 talks

Any of these talks explain why for active hormone levels a blood test is worthless. Blood tests find hormones, but they are the ones on their way out of the body. They are not the active hormones.

Search the web for "natural progesterone depression" and you will find many pages read and carefully select.

Natural progesterone means natural to humans i.e. identical to that produced by the human body.

For a good explanation of how vital natural progesterone is to humans see
and other pages on this site

Wild yam is that Wild Yam the body will not convert it to progesterone. Also do not take fake/synthetic progesterone/progestins manufactured by the drug companies they will be of NO benefit.

After having done a saliva test any progesterone you buy must be natural progesterone USP. USP means United States Pharmacopoeia.

There is a list of doctors at www.npis.info who are aware of the benefits of natural progesterone they may be more helpful than your GP. You are about to educate your GP :-)

Hope this of benefit to you ... and brings a hint of a smile
I feel for you, I have been on both those tablets and prothiaden, but I STOPPED all medication about 5 years ago and took up excercise and forced myself to do something about it. These pills were making me worse actually.
I reckon you should come of them, I was on them for about 7 years and they closed me of emotionally, I have honestly never felt better.
Speak to your doctor about gradually lowering your dosage, don't do what I did and just stopped straight away!
You do have to lower your doseage gradually, especailly if you haev been taking these family of medicines!
Good luck
I am no doctor and am only speaking from the perspective of someone who is depressed and has been tried on multiple medications. As one individual said, just about any of the medications can cause dry mouth, one really does not know how they will be affected until they try.

I have been on Prozac and Zoloft which were well tolerated, but didn't control my depression. I was also on Effexor but had some side effects from that as well. My doctors have tried various combinations and currently I am on Welbutron, Vivactil (which is not well known) and Lamictal. Two other medications that I take to augment them are Synthroid and Dexedrine. That combination seems to be working better for me. Dexedrine in larger dosages does make my mouth dryer.

I have also undergone ElectroShock Therapy which did not benefit me at all. BUUUUUUUUT I have seen some people who were very depressed really responded well - dramatic in fact.

I have been under a psychiatrists care for over 12 years now. It has taken almost that long to find a combination that showed some promise. I tried at first going through my family doctor, but my situation was too complicated. If you do not feel your doctor is helping you in this area, ask for a referral or transfer of care.

From how it sounds there are still a lot of medications out there that you could try. Ask the doctor if he has any samples of the new medications that he prescribes for you. Pharmacy reps usually leave samples with the doctors that can be used on a trial basis or when there are cost considerations.

One of the important things is just to keep on trying. I know it can be frustrating, sometimes scary and expensive but your happiness and peace of mind is worth it.

You question as to whether you should go off of your medication. That is a decision that you need to discuss with your doctor and do so under his supervision. Abruptly quiting taking some of these medications can cause some real bad adverse effects. So, be safe.

Take care I hope this is helpful.

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