Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bizarre triggers of PTSD?

Is it possible for a person to develop PTSD as an adult from never being loved or having affection throughout their childhood and life?

I've always assumed PTSD only developed after experienceing a threat to ones life, but could neglect also be a trigger?
Neglect and abuse frequently go hand in hand and both can be traumatic to an individual. In fact, many folks I've worked with who have gone through horrendous abuse as children actually have the greatest difficulty coping with the emotional neglect because it was so pervasive in their experience whereas the abuse tended to be episodic. It also depends on how neglect is defined-children who witness domestic violence are considered to be victims of parental neglect, however they certainly can and do develop PTSD symptoms after exposure to violence.
Lack of love, affection and nurturing without verbal or physical abuse generally does not result in PTSD, but the faulty attachment in early life can give rise to a host of other psychiatric symptoms including depression, anxiety, somatic symptoms, dissociative symptoms and personality disorders among others.
In short, neglect is traumatic, but not all trauma results in PTSD.
yes, it can be a since Love is a basic human need. If it goes unmet in childhood it can be quite traumatizing once you find out that its missing. Go and get some counseling to help you deal with the issues.
many people suffer from things for any number of reasons ptsd can be triggered by anything truly
Neglect is traumatizing, but it results in an attachment disorder, not PTSD. People with attachment disorders feel empty inside, and often try to fill that emptiness with whatever they can find - work, food, drugs, alcohol, excessive exercise, etc., anything to fill the time and distract from the lack of connection.
Seek help, and be clear about needing to work on the attachment. That means working with someone who is nurturing and consistent, someone you can trust so that you can learn how it feels to be genuinely cared for.
you bet!! children are the innocent often silent victims of this disorder! they experience such hrorific traumatic events as cnildren and yet these are the victims who out of fear or the mere unknown remain the silent ones. the child can experience so many kinds of trauma that can be neglect, love from thier parents which every one of us need to feel a consistancy of a parents nurturing love. a child who suffers from severe forms of abuse at the hands of those they believe are the source of thier security experiences such trauma so horrific that many are never the same. if they reach adulthood they are rarely prepared to even live as an adult would be expected to survive. ptsd can be controlled through therapy and a strong support group. also, ptsd going untreated only gets worse as one gets older, and flashbacks begin to take over as a serious disabling daily occurence that can carry over into even worse behavior that leads to very serious problems. ptsd should alays be taken seriously no matter how trivial one would think an event is; it's the one who has been through it that matters!

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