Sunday, October 25, 2009

Attention moms that seem to have it together!!...How do you do it??

I know nobody is perfect but compared to other parents I am NOT as organized as a lot of people I know. This is a major problem in my life. A lot of people tell me I am just not a very organized peron but I know there must be a way to be because I have such a desire to lead a better life. I feel like I go around in circles and I cant find any balance in my life. I am divorced so I am a single mom. I have three little ones who really need a more balanced mom. They thrive on structure which I seem to be lacking. Any advice would be appreciated.
Honestly, if anyone has the right to be disorganized, it's you! It is a major feat having 3 kids and being a single working mom. I'm a married working mom of one and I get overwhelmed so I really am amazed at single moms who do it all.

Don't be so hard on yourself :). If you want to get organized, take it slow, organize a little at a time.

A good book is "Organizing from the Inside Out" by Julie Morgenstern"

Also has a lot of great hints and bulletin boards. is also a great, useful website.
Get a notebook. Use is for everything, make shopping lists in it make meal plans for the week in in, write phone numbers down. Keep it with you. Make a schedule for you and your kids, the best ones to stick to are bedtime routines and after school routines. If you make a list of the steps you all must take before going to bed and then follow those every night your children will feel more stable. Don't let anything interrupt your bedtime routine, if possible. Get into the habit of repeating your days over and over. Don't visit your family as much. I come from a drama family also, and the less I visit, the better off I am especially at being a mom. Stick with it! Good luck.
a check list will always be helpful. You need this until you get used to doing and thinking everything you need to.

You can have an organizer notebook or a white board in your kitchen or den or room so you can really have reminders. or you can have both.

put in red ink things that need urgent attention. in blue weekly tasks, in green monthly ones, etc.

a hired help can be handy but will cost you some money.
if you cant afford or risk having a hired help. aside from checklists, you can also delegate minor tasks to your children, like putting the books in order, put back things in their proper places, sweep the floors, do the dishes, etc. so all of you can have some extra time to bond together and have quality time. ( this is if they are old enough to understand and do the tasks, how old are they anyway? you did not say).

go girl! and get your life back! heheheh
well i take care of my girls and also my nephews almost everyday. they range from 6mths to 8yrs. you need a routine but , first you need organization. im not sure what kind of organization you are really needing. maybe for starters you can organize your wk. and days. set aside some time to spend with your kids or to get together a set a schedule together. all of you could organize together. get your kids invovled in the family decisions. since you are the primary parent it would be smart to let the kids know that they could express their opinion about any famliy situation. then you could all resolve it but, they need to know that you are still in charge. also minimze the drama in your and your kids life is a great idea. show them there are better ways.
I am bipolar and a weekend parent of a 14 yr old - she lives with my ex by my choice.

This is how I finally had to look at the role of parenting -- I accept who I am and work within my boundaries to provide the best life and roll model possible for my daughter.

hope that helps

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