Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are you a christian and have anxiety?

i go to church, and it seems soo hard to get this christian lifestyle, esp with anxiety. my doc says to take meds, but i just try to medicate myself and calm down with we*ed. i know its not right but nothing seems to help. ive completely changed to someone who isn't social... which 2 years ago i was.. its a downward spiral

how to deal with this
Your not alone. As a christian you know that the world was not meant for you. Heaven will be your home. Life is supposed to be hard for christians, just think of Jesus. But, our reward for staying true to the faith is Heaven. Just think you'll only live to be maybe 100 but Heaven will be forever. I say one-hundred sucky years is worth it.
That said I constantly sin, we all do. so as long as you seek God and try and do the right thing, he's gonna be there even when you dont think anything is worth it anymore. Next time your anxious talk to God. He'll help.
Luke 12:25 Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?...30-31 your father knows what you need. But seek his kingdom and these things will be given to you as well.
well weed won't ever help you it just makes its worse.. medicate, exercise, go for a long walk to clear your head, pray. I am a Christian and suffer from depression
alright first of all... you dont have to go to mass each sunday to be a good christian, and also... dont smoke pot.. it can leave you behind in the world, what you need to do is have some good clean fun every once in a while.. maybe go to the movies with friends, invite people over to hang out AND NOT SMOKE POT... but like grab some snacks and see whats on the tube, oh yeah and yoga usually works well, all the women in my family find it to be really relaxing, anyways try not to be a super christian... but dont slack off and do pot
weed gave me one of the worse panic attacks I ever had and it made my anxiety a million times worse
I found that when I was new to the faith, that I had a lot of self hatred and guilt, I submerged myself in the church, I went to prayer meetings, I did not pray, I listened, I absorbed the Spirit, I let the Lord have His way. Prayer came, there were times that I fell, I still do, but the worst I could do was stay down, so I stood up and moved on, you need to deal with whatever strains your relationship with Christ.. if it is the weed, which is a factor, it is illegal, and it is a sin to break the laws of the land. medications may be the same thing to some, as far as drugs, but they are approved. don't stress about the past, it is your future that needs attention, so be of good cheer, it will get better, but you need to stand for the tests of faith. it don't take luck, it takes the power of Christ, if you ask Him to enter your heart, then you are one of the most powerful creatures around, you are unbound by the past, you are a new child in Christ, and an overcomer. so be blessed
I am a christian and suffer anxiety and panic attacks...I try and put my trust in god and that my fgaith will help me..and yes I take meds.If only i could of trusted jesus more..dont smoke weed it can be worse
Oftentimes weed makes anxiety worse, and can even create more problems such as depersonalization...and trust me, all of my anxiety was nothing compared to how I felt when I was depersonalized. (But I've never done pot, so that came by another avenue.)

Medicating yourself isn't usually a good idea. I have grown up self-medicating with food, and guess where that's gotten me. haha. But I digress...

Do you have someone you can talk to about this stuff? Do you keep a journal? Are you involved in music, dance, or other art? Do you have normal sleep patterns? Do you exercise at least semi-regularly if not regularly? Have you found ways to focus your energy on helping others? These things can help. Though it can be scary, try to break through those things that make you more anxious. Otherwise you're getting anxious about the possibility of getting anxious, and that cripples you. Setting some sort of typical ritual or pattern to your day can be helpful, too. These are hard to do, but still wiser choices than pot.

I'm glad you go to church. And the Christian "lifestyle" is hard for everybody--with or without anxiety. Certain aspects might come more easily for certain people, but still... Talk with your pastor or youth minister about ways to get more involved. Maybe they could have you help out by taking Communion to people who are shut-in/homebound, maybe with them or with another if you'd like. It would be a strong step towards being more social, plus you'd feel good for helping out. The Christian "lifestyle" isn't just about going to church, nor is it learned only from church. And, you know, my anxiety and other problems have helped me in the long run when it comes to that...believe it or not. Yeah, it sucks to have them, but I'm a more compassionate and patient person than I used to be. And because I've known defeat, I can better know triumph.

Hope you get to feeling better soon. God Bless. 鈥?
See anxiety at on page 6. You won't get any better, using we*ed (from experience), since it alters the pleasure pathways in the brain, and may take a while to recover from this. Practise one of the relaxation methods on page 2, daily, and when needed, and try the guided meditations, on page 3.

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