Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are you happy with who you are?

Are you happy with who you are?
I'm just wondering. I used to hate myself. Now I'm just happy with being me. A lot of people i know hate themselves, and never take complements about their looks even though they might be really pretty. How about you?
.and why? Does have to do with friends, family.religion?
i just don't like me too much :(
yes i like myself now but somedys i have feelings that i'm just gonna jump infront of a bus and i wish i was dead but other days i realise how lucky i am

No, I am not happy with who I am.

I have low self esteem and I always feel that I am not pretty enough, good enough, smart enough, I am not good enough for anything. I rarely look in mirrors, I hate social gatherings, well I could just go on... but I won't. I think you have the idea.

What the reason is, I have yet to discover so I cannot answer the Why? I wish so much that I could. Yes I have other mental illnesses and I see psych, therapist and medication. It's a work in progress.

Be safe and be well.
Well wow no I don't its kinda sad. When i look in the mirror I c more reasons to hate my self. And I cant get the thoughts out of my head that am worthless and a loser. I just put on a smile I hope one day i will like me but for now i don't
im 13, and im in a middle of a crisis called social anxiety where no one understands me :[
No, I excel at self-loathing and paranoia.
No. And it seems like everyone else is content. But then again, they're not ugly like I am. I know where my discontent roots from.
Overall, no. I feel like i'm not a good person at heart, though i may come off as sweet and kind. I am at times, but at times it's ridiculous. I can control it, but i don't. It's because of me, and nothing to do with any one else.
most days. I am kinda a perfectionist, but most days i think I am pretty satisfied with who I am. I am happy and i work hard for what I yes, I am happy. God has blessed me with a good family and good friends and a great mind!
I like who I am now - sounds like you have grown up too - good for you.
Happy with myself, I love who I am. Sounds conceited..Sorry but I mean, I don't just go out saying I am the ****! I am just saying I am confident in who I am. I know me better than anyone. I like the way I walk, talk, dress, wear my hair, my teeht are shiny white, my eyes are gray, my skin is honey looking and smooth, plus my credit is good! I take good care of my health and I am a happy person even on the ugliest day until. but my personality is easy-going. I like everyone but trust none. I roll either with my fine money making *** Man, Solo, or with my two Co-hearts. The day is what I make of it. A friend in need is kool until they try to play me. I hate a liar and a thief. I am honest and fair. I do not entertain drama. My daughter's significant half is the invisible man but I am BAD ***** Balling no assistance just full time work and school, while being all the time Mommie. Don't mean to blast my radio like that but the music its playing is worth listening too.
Wow, that is a different question and I am more shocked at the answers. I think that too many outside influences cause people to lose perspective on reality. For instance, they see a car and they consider themselves a failure because they don't have it or can't afford it. They see nice clothes and realize that their clothes aren't as nice and thereby making them feel like a failure.
Funny thing is though, that being good or being successful has absolutely nothing to do with a trophy or 'things.' It has everything to do with making the best of what you have. Work hard, be good to your friends, family and others and reach for your goals. Once you reach them, set new goals. If you have accomplished everything in life and are the greatest person in the world, then jump off of a building, because there is nothing left to do. JUST KIDDING. But, be realistic and take your REAL life into a REAL perspective...

Me, a nuclear engineer, teacher, writer, former firefighter, police officer, investigator, college graduate (twice), great family life and I drive a freakin Saturn... However, you won't find too many people happier than me.. Betchya! :-)
Yes i am, Everyone has things they would like to change but you have to like yourself enough to make those changes. It doesn't have to do with anyone.
yes ,i am
who hate themselves are lacking the emotional balance,they are confused.

friends ,family...religion are the REPERTOIRE we should use to come to peace with ourselves
I used to hate myself - thought I was stupid and ugly, and was convinced by my dad that I was fat and lazy too. I always felt like there was someone living inside me, hidden or buried behind my depression and low self-esteem.

I've been through years of therapy and hospitalization, and almost every med on the market, and DBT classes for borderline personality disorder, and they all helped to an extent - but this year I found a new church and am learning to trust God again, and that person hidden inside me has started to emerge - I am enjoying getting to know this person; "she's" kind, gentle, intelligent, has a great sense of humor, loves to help other people get past their problems and pain, and can recognize her good points without being conceited or feeling like someone else has to recognize them for them to exist.

I'm not done with my journey yet, so it's hard to say I'm happy with who I am - because I know I still have more progress to make. But unlike before, I can appreciate myself for who I am. And for now, that's enough.
Well i guess my answer would have to be no. I've had 5 children and have gained alot of weight. I've always had issues with the way i looked but now that i've gained weight i feel disgusting. I can never find anything that looks right on me and i feel that everything is too tight. I've tried loosing the weight but nothing seems to help any so i just go on eating what i want and feeling like crap about it later. Everytime i look in the mirror i regret it even more !
By now I have accepted myself for who I am, and I like me, I am proud of me. I do have a hard time accepting compliments because I have a hard time giving them, so I don't think that it is because i have a self loathing issue I just question the sincerity behind it. I am not comfortable with attention, I don't like being on a pedestal, I just like to blend. That's who I am. I think that when other people react differently to a situation than you, you should just accept them for who they are, its not that they are self loathing that's just who they are.
No..I am not happy with who I am.I want to be better...but I am bi-polar...and not medications seem to work for me. I am productive, and everything I have...I have earned with hard work. But, life is seeming too hard lately...and I can't get a break! I hate my family...they all got things handed to them...and I am working for everything...which in the long good...but dang hard! I wish I could just work 1 day a work...and live off of someone elses work...but that isn't me.

Life is just hard...and I have been dealt a few bad hands.but I still keep plugging along!
I hope everyone with low self-esteem reads your question.
I too, used to be unhappy with myself, but as I get older, i learn more, and am more accepting and forgiving of myself and others as well. This has made me feel a lot happier...some days i am depressed, but that is just life, for the most part yes, i am happy with who i am.
I think self hatred is akin to personality disorder. Internalizing every thing can lead to this illusion that you are to blame for every thing you think of, from wars to the birds not being fed in the park. The realization that no one or nothing is perfect is the key to self recognition of worth. Another key is the knowing who you are. If you don't know yourself how can you like you? Get to know what you like and dislike. Get to know who your friends really are. Look to the inner self and let life in. To take in compliments and self esteem something has to be let out. Don't be afraid of who you are, but accept it and appreciate who you are.

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